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, by L.T. Ryan

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Product details
File Size: 1785 KB
Print Length: 252 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: December 21, 2013
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B00B8548LS
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#366 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Just finished book 2 right after reading book 1. My 3-star review of book 1 complained about, "The incessant sentences and paragraphs that begin with 'I...'." This book is better written, with much improved treatment of the first person point of view. This improvement is not due to my complaint because book 2 was written several years before my review of the first.The character development is better, and it is easier to keep track of the players. The plot is good and the reading is quick. Unlike the first book, this one started off with a bang and kept up the pace. In my opinion, it doesn't quite make 5 stars when compared to other 5-star books in the genre, and a fair amount of room for improvement remains. Still a good read, though, and I look forward to the rest of the series.
The story itself is decent, but this guy’s writing skills leave much to be desired. It’s so badly written it’s distracting. His vocabulary is only about a 3rd grade level. His mistakes in grammar, particularly verb tense and verb usage, are appalling and frequent. (He really needs a primer on lie, lay, lain, and lay, laid, laid because he has no clue that they are different words.) There are missing words, sometimes extraneous words, that exhibit a lack of editing. He has no sense of syntax. He changes verb tense within paragraphs, sometimes even within sentences. And seriously, did no one ever teach him that you don’t say, “Me and so-and-so,†that it should be “So-and-so and I†at some point in grade school? If this book series were written by an 8th grader I might say there is some potential, but if this author ever wants to be a real writer he needs to learn the English language first.
This is the second (or third if you count the prequel) in the Jake Noble series. It picks up two years after the conclusion of the first book. Jake is now working for the SIS, a super secret, obscure government agency that reports to only a few and accomplishes its tasks without being bound by red tape. The SIS consists of highly trained, incredibly competent people who take on jobs that are beyond the reach of mainline government agencies because of their sensitivity or risk.The book starts with Jake and his partner Skinner confronting and capturing a suspect named Pablo, then interrogating him to learn of the existence of a criminal organization. This organization is presumed to be a multinational group concerned with smuggling drugs, arms, and soldiers. However, after further investigation, they learn that the organization’s purpose is much, much darker.Their mission takes them to the group’s safe house as revealed by Pablo, where they engage the enemy, and after a gunfight, a fire, personal injury, and some death, they become reluctant heroes. However, their accomplishment only serves to expose them, and Jake in particular, to the wrath of the group’s leader. Following a gathering to celebrate their victory, Jake is contacted by the leader and told he has 37 hours until something terrible happens.Following directions issued via cell phone, Jake and Skinner travel to various locations on the east coast, seemingly at the whim of “Unknown Callerâ€, and finally end up in Florida. Along the way Jake meets a beautiful girl who gets roped into going with them. Once in Florida: the good guys get captured, the good guys escape, the good guys kill the bad guys, and it mostly turns out all right. Mostly cookie cutter thriller stuff, although there are some hidden twists that will honestly surprise you. For instance, guess who the leader of the bad guys turns out to be?In my review of book one, Noble Beginnings, I praised the author for creating a character who had more depth than some of the others out there. I was also pleased with the way he wrote the story, and looked forward to reading the next one. Book two, however, doesn’t leave me glowing inside the same way. Instead of a good story, with character development, vivid details, insight into the characters’ thought processes – all the things that capture your imagination and leave you feeling satisfied – this book reads more like a narrative, or an after action report. The most minute actions are recorded as if by a NASA launch controller – accurate without emotion – but where is the thought behind the words? I would call this really good writing, technically, without being a really good story. And the ending – it just sort of stops once the bad guys are dealt with. And I’m not really sure if the 37 hour thing was ever explained. Not satisfying.I give this book four stars (more like 3.6) – it isn’t terrible, and it’s good enough to make me want to read the next one, but of the three I have read, it’s in last place.
I would put LT Ryan's "Jack Noble" books up there with the best of the contemporary mystery writers (Patterson, Grisham, et al). I had gotten into something of a rut reading many of my favorites (Clive Cussler, Tony Hillerman, and a couple others) and was looking for something different - or perhaps SOMEONE different. Imagine my surprise when I found the FREE "Noble Beginnings" at the Kindle store! Great; a chance to try someone new with no risk. How could you beat that? Well, it was a great opportunity to find, and add, another great author to my Kindle library.Richly developed characters; sometimes CRAZY plot twists; and non-stop action. I simply couldn't put these books down. I went right from book one (Noble Beginnings) to book 2 (Deadly Distance) without any hesitation. And I have already moved on to "Thin Line" (#3 in the series).Great stuff, people. Read LT Ryan; you won't regret it.
ryan could do a better job of making jack noble more of a real person,in the book noble never eats only drinks coffee and whiskey,one time he will take on 5 guys the next time 1 guy beats the crap out of him, ryan needs to do a better job of rounding out his characters
I just finished the 3rd book (Thin Line) in the Jack Noble series, and I will purchase Noble Intentions this afternoon. I have enjoyed each of these novels very much although, truthfully, I rate these books slightly under those of Vince Flynn. On the other hand the novels have been exciting, action packed, well thought out and relatively believable. I'm looking forward to the next novel and each additional book going forward ( I try to read all of my books in order of the publish date).The one thing that does bother me a great deal is the poor grammatical editing. Perhaps this is a small thing; however, I find it very distracting---especially when I'm engrossed in the story line and I run across an obvious grammatical error---it just ruins the moment for me. I guess I'm being overly anal about the whole thing, but I truly do enjoy the writing and I thought the editors should know about the problem---then again, probably not---sigh!Once again, it's a great read, and I am looking forward to "Noble Intentions".John
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